Our Services

Professional Coaching

Zoe’s coaching services help people develop their full potential and motivate them to contribute at their highest level. 

Zoe Training’s coaching services provide managers, leaders, and employees with the skills and tools they need to develop their full potential and motivate them to contribute at their highest level. Effective coaching involves understanding people and behaviors, recognizing opportunities for personal and professional growth, and identifying practical, real-world ways they can adapt or adjust behavior for better results. Benefits to applying effective coaching techniques include: improved working relationships with direct reports, peers, immediate supervisors, and clients; enhanced teamwork; time efficiency; increased job satisfaction; conflict reduction; and increased organizational commitment. 

coaching services
performance coaching

Zoe’s coaching offerings can take the form of: 

Executive / Leadership Coaching  

Leaders learn and practice how to get into the coaching mindset and are introduced to a toolkit of appropriate techniques for providing feedback and direction for employees. Helping leaders focus on where they have control and influence along with recognizing the individual styles and needs of each direct report, the leader can become a highly effective coach. 

Performance Coaching 

New research has found that companies who employ a coaching culture and incorporate such people-focused practices are more than twice as likely to have effective performance management than the average company. 
Successful managers understand that outstanding employee performance is driven by effective coaching that accomplishes three things: 1) recognizing and reinforcing positive employee performance; 2) diagnosing and addressing employee’s developmental needs; and 3) encouraging and empowering employees to drive their own performance improvement. 

Behavioral Coaching 

Behavioral coaching can be defined as the science and art of facilitating the performance, learning, and development of the individual or team, which in turn assists the growth of the organization. The overall goal of behavioral coaching is to help individuals increase their effectiveness and happiness in the work environment. 

Time Management & Organization Coaching 

Our professional organizing team can help individuals create more effective paper and electronic systems as well as demonstrate how to create time efficiency and manage multiple priorities to be as effective as possible with the limited hours of time during the day. 

behavioral coaching

Career Life Coaching 

Individuals are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills, and a greater sense of personal responsibility, for managing their careers so that they can increase job satisfaction and effectiveness, and make their best contribution to the organization.

Personalized career services include:

  • Assessment/Goal Setting:         
    Individualized assessments increase your understanding of your main strengths and key motivators to help you clarify your true path. 
  • Research/Networking: 
    Use effective resources and methods to identify your best opportunities. Learn how to communicate with current and new contacts to expand your network.
  • Your Marketing Tools: 
    Develop effective communication pieces including resume, bio, letters, LinkedIn profile, website, brochures, etc.
  • Interviewing/Negotiation 
    Apply new skills and techniques to the hiring process.